What is the Archbishop’s Appeal Grant?


The Archbishop’s Appeal is a fundraising appeal that takes place across parishes in the Archdiocese of Southwark each year. Launched in November 2022, this fundraising effort seeks to invest faith, hope, love, and charity into the missionary work of the Archdiocese in three key areas: Youth and Evangelisation, Social Outreach and Clergy Care.

Funds are collected and held centrally by the Archdiocese of Southwark and ring-fenced for the Archbishop’s Appeal, a portion of which is designated to be granted back to support local projects.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to support innovative projects taking place within the geographical boundaries of the Archdiocese of Southwark and led by parishes, schools, diocesan commissions, or other entities working alongside the Archdiocese, which seek to enhance one or more of the key missionary areas: Youth and Evangelisation or Social Outreach.

Archbishop's Appeal Fundraising Brochure 2022

Archbishop's Appeal Fundraising Brochure 2023

Archbishop's Appeal Impact Report 2022-2023

How to apply?

The Archbishop's Appeal Grant Application is open from 1st May 2024 to 1st July 2024. Grants will be made in August 2024.

Before applying, please read the grant guidelines and eligibility criteria here: Archbishop's Appeal Grant Guidelines And Eligibility 


Archbishop's Appeal Grant Funding Themes

Youth /Evangelisation- To strengthen the formation of young people in the faith within Catholic schools and parishes in the Archdiocese of Southwark, to enhance the faith life of parishioners, support the work of parish catechists, for Southwark to become an evangelising and missionary Archdiocese. For example:

  • Youth ministry and engagement in parishes and schools
  • Development and training of parish catechists and resources for adult formation
  • Catholic chaplains in universities and schools
  • Catholic ethos in Catholic schools
  • Marriage and Family Life courses

Social Outreach - To show compassionate and active service in the world around us through love for all people: the protection of human dignity, respect for the inter-connectedness of our world and common home, hearing the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth. Supporting social outreach projects taking place in parishes and schools. For example:

  • Social outreach projects in Catholic parishes and schools (projects helping migrants and refugees, the homeless, alleviating food poverty, supporting marginalised groups, care for the elderly and isolated, etc.) 
  • Prison Ministry 
  • Environmentally conscious parish projects
  • Ethnic Chaplaincy and Ecumenical projects
  • Racial Justice and Inclusion projects
  • Peace and Justice projects


Archbishop's Appeal

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Archbishop John Wilson

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