Pray for Peace in Ukraine
The Holy Father has called for a day of prayer for peace in Ukraine amid 100,000 Russians Troops massing on the border of both Ukraine and Belarus.

The Current Situation
This growing situation is understandably leading to concern over further potential conflict, although it is not an entirely new situation. In 2014 Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. Since then more than 14,000 Ukrainian people have died, with an estimated one million people being forced to leave their homes in Eastern Ukraine.
Difference in Mindsets and further conflict
Vladimir Putin has described the dissolution of the Soviet Union as one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. As Christians, this is difficult to comprehend when compared with humanitarian disasters such as the Nazi Holocaust. With these contradicting mindsets, there is concern that additional conflict will lead to loss of life and injury on both sides, and to further displacement of ordinary people living peacefully in their own country.
Prayer around the world and in London
On Wednesday 26th January a 12-hour marathon of prayer will take place. Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk, is leading a prayer marathon in which every archeparchy and eparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church will take part. Watch the live stream on Zhyve TV:
Alternatively, all are welcome at the Ukrainian Cathedral of the Holy Family on Duke Street and Weighhouse Street in London, W1K 5BQ, on Wednesday, 26 January at 4:30 pm for a prayer service for peace in Ukraine. Please join in prayer if you are able today.
Read more below. and listen to an excellent podcast with Right Reverend Kenneth Nowakowski, the Eparchial Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London.
about the Church's response to the