Migrants Mass celebrated at St George's Cathedral

At the Annual Mass for Migrant Workers, Archbishop John Wilson thanked migrants for the “immense” contribution they have made to the UK.
Archbishop John highlighted the difference people from around the world have made, especially in the NHS. He thanked people who have left their homeland to work here, saying:
Our life together is better because of you. Our life together is better because of the skills, the service, and the contribution you give. Our life together is better because of the diversity of cultures you bring to our communities.
Drawing on St Joseph, the Archbishop said he was is model for all workers and asked for St Joseph’s intercession as he prayed for “the protection of workers and their rights”.
The Archbishop reminded us that the Lord Jesus himself learned to work as a carpenter, which “prepared him for the work of salvation on the wood of the Cross”. The Archbishop also highlighted that the commandment from the Lord Jesus to love God and to love our neighbour as ourselves has no exceptions.
You can read the Archbishop’s homily in full and click the link below for more photos. With thanks to Marcin Mazur (©Mazur/cbcew.org.uk) for the photos.
Thank you to everyone who made the Mass such a special occasion.