Caritas Southwark aims to support and welcome migrants and refugees since the Church seeks to be the spiritual home of all, no matter the geographical location.

Young Migrant wearing Crucifix

Surrounded by the sea and the River Thames, the Archdiocese of Southwark has welcomed many who have sought sanctuary within the shores of England over the centuries. At this time of global crisis, with conflict and poverty afflicting the lives of many who simply want to live in peace, we are called as Christians to love our neighbour and share our resources. 

The Commission will promote a variety of schemes aimed at welcoming our brothers and sisters.  This will include encouragement across the Archdiocese of Southwark for deaneries and parishes to participate in community sponsorship and refugee resettlement schemes e.g. Homes for Ukraine. Caritas Southwark will pursue supportive partnerships and advocate, alongside CSAN and other charities, for a fairer asylum system. It will seek for Southwark to become a diocese of sanctuary.

Parishes may consider holding drop-in coffee mornings for particular sections of the community, i.e. those from Afghanistan or Syria, pointing them towards a variety of local and resources, or it may consider other practical actions such as hosting ESOL classes. 

In addition, parishes will be encouraged to hold talks and video evenings on Catholic Social Teaching, inviting groups such as Seeking Sanctuary or the Jesuit Refugee Service to share their knowledge and experience.  Finally, Caritas Southwark will welcome refugees and migrants to parishes through appropriate prayer during Mass and active inclusion in liturgies.

Caritas Southwark will recognise and support volunteers and organisations with their charitable projects.

Theme Leader: Mark Nash
